The Pre-Gallerist course

This course is conceived as an intensive mentorship program, ideal for aspiring curators and gallerists at postgraduate level, people who need to compliment their academic accomplishments in the arts with some practical, hands-on knowledge of the industry and for artists desiring to acquire the professional edge they need to impress galleries and curators on top of their natural talents.

Structure: Three days of induction followed by 6 days of organising your own gallery exhibition from choosing the artist, showing the works, making the price list and holding an opening for prospective clients.

Hydra • Day 1

Arrivals. Settle in and then the ABC of it: from the sublime to the ridiculous. Why the nitty gritty matters and how it fits into the bigger picture. Dinner and drinks in Hydra for those who wish to meet local artists and other personalities.

Day 2

Some more theory but from a boat. We’ll sail or motorboat around Hydra and in between swims I’ll illustrate the most common pitfalls beginners come across in the industry.

Day 3

Back at the gallery we will go through some practical exercises to finish preparing you as you enter phase two of the course : setting up your own exhibition. A guided visit to the DESTE Foundation and a studio visit.

Days 4-10

You can opt to leave the course at this point or you can stay on and from days 4 - 10 you will organize your own exhibition culminating in an opening on day 9.

Day 10

There will be a final debrief at lunch time with a simulation of what it might be like in the aftermath of an art fair including a quick demo on “deinstallation” to illustrate the most common pitfalls to be avoided.

Day 11 - departures

By the end of this course you will have a firm understanding of what it entails to organise an exhibition and run your own gallery having transformed the basic theory into elaborate hands on practice. You’ll have met artists, curators and collectors and enjoyed swims, meals and promenades in one of the world’s most beautiful and bohemian islands.

For more information please contact Wilhelmina using the contact form and leave a number of you wish to be called back.

Dates available between 6th - 16th September Hydra

Dates available between Ten day course 6th - 16h November Luxembourg (4 day courses : Tues, Wed, Thurs, Friday available mid-week through November and December.) Long weekends available and subject to availability upon request.

Day 1

Arrivals. Settle in and then the ABC of it: from the sublime to the ridiculous. Why the nitty gritty matters and how it fits into the bigger picture. Dinner and drinks in Luxembourg City with a special guest.

Day 2

Some more theory in which I’ll illustrate the most common pitfalls beginners come across in the industry. We’ll pay a visit to the two biggest Luxembourgish galleries. Dinner at Lameschmillen with guests in the contemporary art world.

Day 3

Back at the gallery we will go through some practical exercises to finish preparing you as you enter phase two of the course : setting up your own exhibition. A guided visit to the Mudam. Dinner.

You can opt to leave the course at this point or you can stay on and from days 4 - 10 you will organize your own exhibition culminating in an opening on day 9.

Day 10

There will be a final debrief at lunch time with a simulation of what it might be like in the aftermath of an art fair including a quick demo on “deinstallation” to illustrate the most common pitfalls to be avoided.

Day 11 - departures

This course will coincide with an opening either at a major Luxembourgish gallery or contemporary art institution. You will have met artists, curators and gallerists of international importance at the heart of Europe.

Maximum 6 people.


Hydra + Luxembourg 4 nights (full board and lodging) 1500 € 4 nights (meals, no accommodation) 750 € 10 nights (full board and lodging) 2500 € 10 nights (meals, no accommodation) 1250 €